
Monday 13 June 2022

COVID and Black Backed Gulls

 So the COVID has finally caught up with us. Crafty Green Boyfriend caught it on a crowded train coming home from a business meeting, and now I have it too. A 'mild' case for both of us so far (i.e. it feels like a mild flu) but we will be staying at home until it's over. At least we have the lesser black backed gull family across the road to keep us entertained. 

The lesser black backed gulls have nested at that same spot for years now and it's always entertaining to watch the chicks as they develop. There seems to only be one chick this year and it has already dropped from the nest down to the flat roof below the chimney and is trotting around quite happily with the parents keeping their eyes on it. 

And of course we have swifts to watch too, as they nest locally, though fewer than we used to.


  1. Sending get well wishes for you and your boyfriend. I hope you have a quick recovery!
    Have a great day and happy new week!

  2. I am so sorry! No one should get this horrid thing.
    Lovely to have entertainment, at least!

  3. Take care of yourself. I've yet to catch it, but wonder if it is just a matter of time (I've been vaccinated and boosted 2x), but many of my friends who have avoided it until now seem to be coming down with it.

  4. Utmost sympathy on COVID! I have managed to dodge it so far, though I did pick up a cold once masks came off at the gym.

    Always happy to see your pictures!

  5. Thanks everyone! We're both feeling a wee bit better now, so hopefully it won't last too long. We've both had all our vaccinations. It does seem as though everyone who hasn't already had it, is getting it now!

  6. Sorry to read you have both got Covid.
    Sending get well wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  7. I am so sorry to hear that. Wishing you speedy recovery.



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