
Wednesday 1 June 2022

30 Days Wild - Visit a new Place

 As part of the Nature Journaling Class that I'm currently facilitating, we visited a small park near Arthur's Seat, Bauks View.  Despite living in Edinburgh for many years, I had never visited this park before, in fact I didn't even know it existed! It's looking beautiful at the moment with the cow parsley and buttercups fully in bloom

It also has lovely views across to Salisbury Crags 

 And as part of International Nature Journaling Week, here's my nature journal entry for the day, showing a red-tailed bumblebee. Written around the bee, are the words 'red-tailed bumblebee flies around the overgrown garden and disappears...' and below the bee are the words 'A sunny day at Bauks View near Salisbury Crags.'

Visiting a new greenspace for 30 Days Wild.

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