
Monday 23 May 2022

Tree Following - May update

 For Tree Following this year, I've chosen a magnificent old cherry tree in North Merchiston Cemetery in Edinburgh (you can see it in the photo above, just to the left of the church building). Crafty Green Boyfriend and I started walking round this cemetery (and the nearby Dalry Cemetery) every day for our #DailyExercise during the first UK lockdown last year. And we're still doing the same walk regularly, though not quite as often. 

I set this post up for early May and then entirely forgot to post it. Oops! But, better late than never! 

In late April, the tree looked resplendent

For more beautiful cherry trees in bloom around Edinburgh see the posts below: 

Cherry Blossoms in Edinburgh's Meadows and Grange Cemetery.

Cherry blossoms in the grounds of Lauriston Castle

For Tree Following and Nature Notes.


  1. Gorgeous tree to follow!! I learned about tree following from you and made use of that last year when we were at home in Oregon all year. The tree I watched was in our daughter's yard and now I miss seeing it change.

  2. What a fine tree to follow, CGP. We were introduced to Housman's cherry tree poem in Junior School, and I have loved it ever since.

  3. Wonderful big tree to follow.....Michelle

  4. Lovely trees, especially when in full blossom. xx

  5. Wow!! (for me that says it best :)

  6. Brilliant tree - and I assume an old-fashioned type of white cherry - I wonder what the species/variety is?
    The blossoms are wonderfully pure-looking.
    Thanks for joining us and I look forward to more as the blooms fade and you seek other interest in the leaves and branches...
    All the best :)


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