
Tuesday 17 May 2022

Inch Park in the Haar

Today was the first session of my nature walks around Inch Park. This class is notable for being one of the first classes to be run at Inch House, since it has re-established itself as a centre for adult education after many years. It's also the first time I've done nature walks that focus on the same location over a period of time rather than visiting a different site every week during a course.

I woke to a thick haar (sea mist) this morning, but by the time I got to the bus stop, it was bright and sunny! However, once the bus got to the centre of Edinburgh (which is closer to the coast), we were back in a thick haar which was very much around at Inch Park

The first half of the class took place indoors, to introduce people to the course etc and by the time we got outside for the walk, everything had cleared up, and it was bright sunshine again! 

The course will introduce people to the variety of nature found in Inch Park and also to the concept of wildlife recording. We'll be creating a resource for Inch House that they can use, or add to, in future activities and will be sharing our sightings with The Wildlife Information Centre, which collates wildlife sightings for Edinburgh and the Lothians.

We found a lot of plants in just a small area, which proved that it's good to pay close attention! I really like the way some of the dandelions look now that they have lost their seeds.


  1. So lovely to get out!
    (ツ) from <A HREF="> Cottage Country Ontario </A>, ON, Canada!

  2. I'd love to be in your class Juliet! And thank you for the word "haar" -- a word we could use in coastal Oregon, but which sadly we have not yet borrowed! Not much need for it here in Florida, but I can't wait to use it the first time we go to the Oregon Coast this summer (chances are high, even in July, that I'll be able to use it!)

  3. It sounds an interesting class ...

    All the best Jan

  4. That sounds fascinating. I would have loved it. Have a great time! Your photos are beautiful.


  5. Hi Sallie, you'd be more than welcome in the class! Haar is a Scots word, with probably Scandinavian origins, and the haar is very much a feature of Edinburgh weather!

    Thanks Lowcarb, it is!

    Thanks Soma!


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