
Sunday 24 April 2022

Spring in Edinburgh Botanic Gardens

 Yesterday, crafty Green Boyfriend and I visited Edinburgh's Botanic Gardens, largely to see the rhododendrons and azaleas. These lovely shrubs didn't disappoint! Here are some photos: 

Some azaleas are still only in bud

and some are yet to start flowering at all. 

This means that the rhodendron / azaleas season in the Botanics lasts for a nice long time! 

Cherry trees are at their best in Edinburgh at the moment, these are near the Botanics (actually the dark pink flowered tree isn't a cherry tree, but nor is it any obviously recognisable fruit tree, the fruits in autumn are very odd looking) 

Here is a  cherry tree in Princes Street Gardens which we walked through on the way home 

We had also walked through Inverleith Park and checked up on the mute swan nest on the pond there. The boardwalk near the nest is shut off to prevent the swans from being disturbed, but you can get a nice view from the pavement

and lovely also to see marsh marigolds in bloom in the pond 

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