
Sunday 17 April 2022

Cherry Blossoms at Lauriston Castle

Lauriston Castle is a historic house on the outskirts of Edinburgh, with beautiful grounds, including a lovely Japanese Garden. Crafty Green Boyfriend and I always like to visit the grounds at this time of year to admire the cherry trees. We visited yesterday and enjoyed seeing signs of Spring all around us. 

The Japanese Garden in translation from the Japanese is called 'Castle Garden of Water to Beyond' and was built on the site of the castle's kitchen garden. It opened in August 2002 to celebrate the friendship between Edinburgh and the prefecture of Kyoto. 

When we visited yesterday, the white cherry trees in the garden were in full bloom:

In fact, some of the trees were already losing petals

The pink flowering trees are not yet in full bloom, though are beautiful nonetheless

Also in  bloom around the castle grounds are various rhododendrons including this beautiful bush 

and this lovely magnolia

We saw plenty of birds too, including nuthatch, tree-creeper and whitethroat.

There are also lovely views over to the Firth of Forth and Cramond Island

1 comment:

  1. I like magnolias, I must go check on mine, although it's quite chilly!


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