
Thursday 28 April 2022

A Walking Meeting in the Pentlands

 One good thing about the pandemic has been the increased interest in walking meetings. Why sit in an office with an increased risk of catching the virus, when you can go for a nice walk instead? So that's what I did today, with a colleague. We went into the Pentlands, the large country park outside  Edinburgh and walked from Torfin around the hills, enjoying the scenery

There was also a lot of wildlife around too. We saw roe deer and heard willow warblers, chiffchaffs and the occasional skylark. But best of all was seeing this green hairstreak butterfly. 

The only other time I've ever seen a green hairstreak butterfly was back in 2019 when Crafty Green Boyfriend and I took part in a survey to assess how many of these beautiful little butterflies there are in the Pentlands (you can read about that here).

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