
Wednesday 2 March 2022

Wildlife in Cemeteries

 I've spent a large part of the last six months surveying wildlife in Edinburgh's cemeteries. I've been very impressed by the wildlife I've seen in some of the cemeteries, despite winter not being the ideal time to be doing this type of work. I'm hoping the council will give me some more hours to do further surveys in the warmer months, but I'm not sure how likely it is that I'll get enough hours to do the work justice. 

I still manage to visit our local cemeteries regularly, though not as often as Crafty Green Boyfriend and I did when we used them for our #DailyExercise during lockdown. I walked around North Merchiston Cemetery today. The trees still look very wintry, though the leaves are in bud and will be opening soon. 

The crocuses are in bloom

My tree for the Tree Following Project this year is a beautiful old cherry tree in North Merchiston Cemetery and I'll be posting my latest update on that in the next few days. 

I was very pleased to be asked to write an article about wildlife in Edinburgh's cemeteries for the St Michael's Church newsletter (St Michael's is the church on the opposite side of the street to the cemetery, though the cemetery is independent of the church). You can read the newsletter here (scroll down to read my article).

For Nature Notes


  1. You are a talented writer and naturalist.....Michelle

  2. Your article was very nice. I enjoyed seeing the photo of the white squirrel. My husband and I used to volunteer at a historic Green-Wood cemetery when we lived in Brooklyn, NY. It had beautiful grounds and 300-year-old trees and was a pleasure to visit in every season.

  3. Thanks Pat, that sounds like a beautiful cemetery.


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