
Monday 7 March 2022

Sunshine in Kirkliston Cemetery

 It was cold this morning, but soon warmed up in the beautiful early Spring sunshine. I visited Kirkliston Kirkyard and cemetery, just outside Edinburgh to continue my wildlife surveys of the cemeteries managed by Edinburgh City Council. There are three sections to this lovely cemetery, the old kirkyard

an extension to the kirkyard

and a more recent cemetery (which is still being used for burials)

The sunshine had brought the birds out, although none of them allowed me to take photos! Rooks and jackdaws were busily building their nests in nearby trees, blackbirds were chasing each other and singing, dunnocks and wrens were skulking about, and a collared dove was sitting quietly on a wall. 

There are some beautiful mosses in the cemetery, including this patch of Anomalous Bristle Moss (Orthotrichum anomalum) with Grimmia pulvinata in the centre. 

I liked the way the drops of recent rain sparkled on this feather


  1. I do like cemeteries!

  2. I've long realized that cemeteries are good birding places and of course as your posts point out that is because of the flora and trees (and quiet). It's wonderful work you are doing with your survey. Also makes me realize what a bit city Edinburgh is. So many cemeteries!
    Always wish I could learn this kind of thig through actual personal experience but since that is totally unlikely to happen, the next best thing is learning about it through your posts!

  3. Thanks Jenn, yes cemeteries are wonderful places.

    Thanks Sallie. Edinburgh ism't really a particularly big city (though it is growing). many of the cemeteries that I've surveyed are outside the city itself but still within the borders of Edinburgh City council, which extends beyond the actual city. But yes we certainly have a lot of cemeteries!


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