
Saturday 19 March 2022

Easter Craiglockart Hill and Pond

The weather is beautiful today, mild and sunny. It really feels like Spring! Crafty Green Boyfriend and I walked round Easter Craiglockart Hill. The hill has some wonderful views across Edinburgh

The gorse is in bloom and smells distinctly of coconut in the warm air

We were very happy to get some great views of this kestrel

We also saw a buzzard, which didn't stop for a photo! We continued our walk to Craiglockart Pond, 


where there were good numbers of birds, including these Canada geese.

The bulrushes at the edge of the pond were catching the light beautifully


  1. Beautiful views, great sighting of the Kestrel!
    Have a great day and happy new week!

  2. So sad the buzzard didn't pause for you! Lovely getting outdoors!

  3. Hi Eileen, thanks for visiting. I can't seem to comment on your blog at the moment. I enjoyed your latest selection of photos.

  4. Beautiful views and sightings.
    The weather certainly has been wonderful recently :)

    All the best Jan


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