
Tuesday 8 February 2022

Tree Following February Update

 For Tree Following this year, I've chosen a magnificent old cherry tree in North Merchiston Cemetery in Edinburgh. Crafty Green Boyfriend and I started walking round this cemetery (and the nearby Dalry Cemetery) every day for our #DailyExercise during the first UK lockdown last year. And we're still doing the same walk regularly, though not quite as often. 

Here is a view of the whole tree in winter

And a close up of the buds

The bark of a cherry is quite distinctive, as you may be able to tell if you click on the photo below to enlarge it

Another thing you may notice when you click on the above photo is that there is an area oozing with fluid on the trunk. I'm not sure what this is, perhaps a canker? The tree is very old, and no doubt suffers from various problems. 

In front of the tree, the crocuses are almost in bloom 

and there are a few fungi near the tree too 

And something (badger? fox? dog?) has been digging a hole near the roots 


  1. It does look like a magnificent tree. I look forward to seeing what it looks like in summer.

  2. What a magnificent tree! Any idea how old it is? Does it predate the church, cemetery?

  3. Hollis, that's a very good question and one I've often pondered myself over the last couple of years. I'd guess it was planted at the grave, rather than pre-dating the cemetery. I'll check on the date on the grave next time I'm there, if I remember.

  4. Hi again Hollis, I still can't comment on your blog. But you seemed to have a lovely snowy walk there!

  5. A lovely tree to follow, and plenty of interest around it as well. xx

  6. A great assortment of pictures.
    I like cherry trees because the arrangement of the buds on the tips of twigs is always so distinctive.
    I look forward to the blossom.
    All the best :)


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