
Thursday 17 February 2022

The Lull Between Storms

 Yesterday afternoon and evening and last night, Edinburgh was in the grips of Storm Dudley, which blew over in the early hours of this morning. I walked out into sunshine and a relatively light breeze, to do my weekly patrol along the Water of Leith in Craiglockart and Colinton Dells. 

The weather changed and for much of my patrol. I was walking through rain and winds, and the water was very high. 

and the small tributary was rushing with more water than normally flows there


However, the dramatic weather didn't stop nature performing. I had a brilliant view of a kingfisher, though it was too far away to get a decent photo. I also discovered a patch of winter aconite

I had been told there were winter aconites along this stretch of the river, but had never before seen them here. 

The sun did come out before I finished my patrol, but Storm Eunice will hit soon and there will be more wild weather.

1 comment:

  1. We've seen the news with your horrid storms. Take care!


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