
Friday 11 February 2022

Craft Update and Signs of Spring

 I recently finished this pair of curtain tie backs. They're made from lightweight wooden beads and plastic hooks, rescued from vintage and other items. As they're very lightweight, they are ideal for holding back curtains made from sheer or other lightweight fabrics. 

This pair of curtain tie backs is now in the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop, here.

Yesterday, I carried out my regular patrol of the Dells along the Water of Leith. It was very cold and often windy with intermittent rain showers, but there were some lovely signs of Spring. The hazel catkins have been out for a couple of weeks now, but yesterday was the first time this year I noticed the little red female flowers

The mosses are looking very lush at the moment. I was struck by this patch of turkey tail fungus showing through a curtain of a Hypnum moss

and some patches of moss had ice crystals on them 

and I was intrigued by the orange growth on this twig - not sure whether it's a fungus or a slime mould? If you think you can identify it, please feel free to let me know in the comments! 


  1. I like the tie backs! I need to make one of my own.
    Great nature shots.
    We've had a melt, but a cold front is moving in.

  2. I like how, with it still being winter, you can see signs of spring. My favorite sign is found in the blogs and swamps. that of skunk cabbage, that often pushes up in the snow.

  3. Your dedication to duty is admirable! Rain, wind, cold...

  4. Yes, Spring doe seem to be around the corner :)

    All the best Jan


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