
Monday 15 November 2021

Tree Following - November Update

For Tree Following this year I'm following one of the several wonderful old silver birch trees in North Merchiston Cemetery in Edinburgh. Crafty Green Boyfriend and I started walking round this cemetery (and the nearby Dalry Cemetery) every day for our #DailyExercise during the first UK lockdown last year. And we're still doing the same walk regularly, though currently I'm spending time visiting other cemeteries as I'm doing wildlife surveys there for the City of Edinburgh Cemeteries department.  

In the latter half of October the tree was looking very autumnal 


Several fungi were growing underneath it, including these (which I think are birch russula) 

and these puffballs were tiny on 19 October

By Friday 12 November, the tree had lost most of it's leaves

and the puff balls had grown a fair bit 

For Tree Following and Nature Notes


  1. So nice to see your photographs, a lovely selection.

    All the best Jan

  2. Nice selection of mushrooms to accompany the trees photos.



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