
Monday 18 October 2021

Saughton Cemetery

 I'm continuing my wildlife surveys of Edinburgh's cemeteries. On Friday I visited Saughton Cemetery alongside the Water of Leith.

This is a lovely cemetery, with plenty of mature trees.

It was very cold on Friday and the cemetery felt very autumnal

Some of the trees are rich in lichens like this Xanthoria parietina (can you see the red spider mite in the middle of the lichen there?

and there are plenty of fungi in the grass, including this yellow waxcap

As is the case in most cemeteries that have good numbers of mature trees, there were plenty of ladybirds including these orange ladybirds that seem to have found a nice spot for their winter hibernation

Today I was further along the Water of Leith, carrying out my weekly patrol of Craiglockart and Colinton Dells where the hornbeam trees are looking at their autumnal best


  1. Beautiful ladybirds (I have seen so few, and certainly no orange ones this year), CGP, ... and magnificent Hornbeams. It would seem the surveying is going well.

  2. Hi Caroline, the surveying is going very well, thanks! And in Edinburgh, cemeteries are some of the best places to see ladybirds!

  3. You shared some very nice photographs.
    I'm pleased the surveying is going well.

    All the best Jan

  4. I have to look up that tree….Michelle


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