
Friday 26 February 2021

First Butterfly of the Year!

 We saw this beautiful peacock butterfly in North Merchiston Cemetery today, the first butterfly of the year! 

Also in the same cemetery, the crocuses are looking stunning 

And in Dalry Community Park, the coltsfoot is starting to bloom 

What signs of Spring are you seeing in your local area?


  1. I do believe there is Spring on the near horizon for you! And me too. How beautiful yours is!

  2. We've not seen any butterflies yet but yesterday a bumblebee and today a bee. Where I work there is a small apiary and occasionally on a warm day through winter, an odd bee or two would come out and sun themselves and as soon as the temperature dropped, they would hibernate again.

  3. Holy moly, we haven’t seen any butterflies here just yet—although the daffodils are blooming, and I heard the peeper-frogs last night for the first time this year..

    Someone (probably my brother in law) had set a large round bathtub just outside a storage shed. Leaves and rain filled it, and the recent warm weather (22°C this afternoon) encouraged early mosquitos. I drained the tub and overturned it under the shed to prevent a recurrence (although now we’ll have to worry about wasps).

    We’ve had so much rain over the winter, that our low spots are threatening to become marsh, moreso than normal this time of year. Warmer days are coming, and I’m happy to hold onto that thought.


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