
Thursday 21 January 2021

Snow Cats

 This really made my morning today! There was a lot of snow last night and someone made these two snow cats outside our neighbour's flat. 

The snow cats are looking into the window of the flat 

The flat is home to our favourite local cat - I wonder if she appreciates the snow cats?

Meanwhile I'm very pleased to have a haiku included in this week's Haiku Dialogue Selection.


  1. What fun snow-cats, CGP, and what a wonderful feline face in the window! I thought your clever haiku was spot-on.

  2. Can't say I've ever thought of making snowcats.

    Have built igloos, though, using those plastic storage boxes you get as a brick-mould.

  3. Thanks Caroline!

    Hi Carruthers, I made an igloo once when I was very young, there's rarely enough snow for that here now, though there may have been yesterday morning

  4. Our youngest Grandson was able to make a snowman on Sunday, but snow cats is a new idea :)
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan


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