
Thursday 14 January 2021

Pretty handmade gift bag

 I blogged recently about the goodie bag that East Lothian Creative Club had sent me. It contained a lovely inspiring collection of small items to use in craft projects. Well yesterday evening I finished my first project including items from the bag - a little gift bag! 

The bag is made up of three items from the goodie bag (the plain turquoise fabric, the ribbon bow and the green pom-pom) the rest of the materials are from my stash. 

I already have some ideas for what I might make using some of the other items from the goodie bag! 


I've recently added a few pairs of handmade earrings to my Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop, you can see them here!


  1. Not much of a crafter, am I, but I did repair a lamp and a small portable heater for reuse with another project or two lying in wait!

    Nice cards and goodie bag. I still use the "chopsticks" bag you sent some years ago - for pencils and note tags in the field!

  2. Hi Rabbits Guy - it's great to repair things, and that's a skill that's being lost (though also being rediscovered) Glad you still use that chopstick bag!

  3. Nice little bags :)

    All the best Jan


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