
Saturday 5 December 2020

Lost Orchards Cider - a cider with a mission

When I spent three months living in Cornwall, the only alcohol I drank was cider but since then I don't drink it very often, my alcohol of choice being a good Scottish real ale or the occasional red wine. However, when in the local off-licence recently, I couldn't see any of my favourite ales and the Lost Orchards Cider caught my eye. 

"For every sip we plant a pip!' is the slogan of this Scottish produced cider that aims to regenerate Scottish apple orchards. So this is a drink with a mission. 

But does it taste any good? 

I drank a bottle of the pure apple Lost Orchards cider and enjoyed it, it's a sweet and delicious cider, though probably too sweet for me to drink very often, as I have more of a taste for ale. 

So far Lost Orchards have planted about 5000 apple trees in their aim to regenerate the country's orchards. You can find out more about the company and their ciders from their website, where you can also order cases of the different types of cider


  1. Hello,

    The cider sounds great, it is nice they are planting the apple trees.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  2. I can't remember the last time I drank cider, preferring to enjoy a glass of wine.
    But, planting 5000 apple trees sounds good.

    All the best Jan


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