
Wednesday 30 December 2020

Ice Patterns on Blackford Pond

 It was very cold today and much of yesterdays snow has partially melted and then frozen again, making lots of paths treacherous underfoot. But if you can keep your balance, it's lovely out there! We went over to Blackford Pond today, 

 Most of the pond is frozen, but there were small areas of open water where mallards and mute swans were gathering 

the patterns in the ice are lovely 

We walked round to Midmar Paddock, passing these handsome snow people on the way 

The Paddock itself looks lovely at the moment, though interesting that Blackford Hill seems free of snow while the paddock is snow covered. 

For Nature Notes.


  1. I find myself liking winter now more than I did when I was younger. It’s nice to get outside in the crisp air.

  2. It seems a nice walk. Happy New Year!

  3. I love winter walks....


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