
Saturday 14 November 2020

Late Autumn on Corstorphine Hill

 It's been quite a dull day today, but mostly dry so we enjoyed a trip up Corstorphine Hill, which was looking very moody

Many of the trees are now bare of leaves and show their skeletons against the sky

but some are still in leaf, like this lovely oak tree 

and these beech trees 

Plenty of fungi around of course, like these young puffballs

this young hairy stereum

this, that I originally thought was a liverwort but someone in a fungi forum told me it's a fungus
and this impressive bracket fungus
The long grasses are full of these little tunnels, probably used by some species of vole (we've seen voles around the hill several times)


  1. Hello
    I love the first moody scene with the tree.
    Neat captures of the fungi. I have seen the voles holes in our yard.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  2. I really like the two photos of your sky; it does look cold though. Here, in Nashville, we still have a lots of leaves on trees but they are falling fast.

  3. What a gorgeous series of scenery! I love the little fungi.

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  4. Relentless grey skies... It's been the way, recently. If that grey mass was connected to the one louring over our house (roughly 150 miles South) I wouldn't be surprised.

    Now I come to think of it, I read somewhere that the most distant sky you can see is over land over 200 miles away? Me and a friend who lives a hundred miles South of me made some observations and tentatively concluded that we could see different sides of the same clouds.

  5. It is moody weather-time indeed! Great fungus shots. Mushroom season is a bit late here, and foragers are just getting going.

  6. A dull day outside is never that dull. Nice photos.


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