
Thursday 5 November 2020

Autumn sunshine

 It's beautiful today, and we enjoyed the autumnal sunshine on our walk round the local cemeteries. 

This beech tree is particularly lovely at the minute 

Several redwings and other thrushes were flying around this tree and the surrounding holly bushes, but moving around too quickly to be caught on film. 

This red admiral butterfly was much slower than the thrushes and so Crafty Green Boyfriend was able to get this photo 

and there were still a few hoverflies on the ivy flowers, including this Eristalis sp. 

Scotland isn't under lockdown at the moment, though daily life is restricted in a tier system (where restrictions vary depending on the number of local cases) and there is of course no guarantee that cases of COVID won't increase in the future leading to another lockdown.


  1. red admirals are hardy as anything, I've seen one on the wing on boxing day

  2. Nice to be able to get out and around in this fall!

  3. Great shots!

  4. Very nice photographs, it's so lovely to be able to enjoy some Autumn sunshine.

    All the best Jan


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