
Saturday 28 November 2020

A sunny visit to the Botanic gardens

 We were able this morning to book a time slot for visiting Edinburgh Botanic Gardens this lunchtime! (Due to COVID the gardens are only admitting a limited number of people, you can book a time slot here). Once you are in the gardens you can stay as long as you like! 

The gardens looked beautiful in the late autumn sunshine 

and though there were a lot of people around, some areas were quite quiet. Though it's annoying that large parts are roped off to allow for preparation for the Christmas light display, as this means that people are restricted to the paths and some areas feel very crowded). 

The silver birch trees look particularly pretty in the low sunlight  

Many of the birch trees have witches brooms in them, these are caused either by a parasitic wasp or a virus. 

These witches brooms don't damage the trees.


  1. It does look a nice sunny visit, so nice to see blue skies when you are out walking.

    All the best Jan

  2. Hello,

    It is nice you are able to visit the botanic gardens. Pretty views, the witches brooms is new to me. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!


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