
Monday 26 October 2020

Fabulous Fungi

 It's a great autumn for fungi, there are various species growing all over the place at the moment. 

This is one of the most unusual fungi I've found this season (and one of the ones that has turned out best in its photos!). It is growing on a tree stump in Dalry Cemetery, I think it's purple jelly fungus (and am awaiting confirmation on that!) but if you are able to correct me, please leave a comment!

Have you seen any interesting fungi recently? 

For Nature Notes.


  1. Such interesting fungi's, I never saw them before. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I'm happy to visit your beautiful online home now, especially since I'm a huge UK/Scotland fan.

  2. Hi AppleApricot, thanks for visiting back! I've never seen these fungi before either.

  3. I need to learn more about this...

  4. This is bizarrely beautiful.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening where you can share about plants and flowers here at


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