
Wednesday 28 October 2020

Birch and Beech

Silver birch and beech trees are two of the most distinctive trees at this time of year. 

The silver birch leaves turn a lovely golden colour which contrasts beautifully with the distinctive white and black patterns on its bark. There are two birches in the photo below (taken in North Merchiston Cemetery) - the one on the left has a lovely straight trunk and is probably a lot younger than the one on the right with its wonderfully gnarled trunk. The leaves are just starting to turn from green to gold.

Very close to these birches are two beautiful beech trees, which are in the full splendour of their autumn colour

Are you seeing lots of autumnal colour in your part of the world?


  1. The leaves here are about gone, but yesterday a group of us from one of the churches I serve hiked up Buffalo Mountain, great views (I can see the mountain from my house.

  2. The beech leaves (or are they the birch?) are a beautiful golden color. I’m not familiar with either tree. Both lovely.

  3. In Beersheba, we are still awaiting the first rain of the rainy season. Your photo of the birch trees reminded me of Frost: One could do worse than be a swinger of birches. [Birches, 1916].

  4. Simply fabulous.
    I love this time of year for the wonderful colours, nature at it's best :)

    All the best Jan


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