
Sunday 16 August 2020

Along the River Almond and Beyond

Yesterday, we got a bus to Cramond Brig and walked along the River Almond to Cramond Village and then along the foreshore to Silverknowes to get another bus home. 

 We were delighted to see that the Shetland ponies still live near Cramond Brig


It was lovely to walk along the river again, it's been a long time since we were there due to lockdown restrictions 


 Three herons had gathered here (can you see them all in the photo above?). Crafty Green Boyfriend managed to get closer to another heron further upstream

We had lunch in the beer garden at Cramond Inn, it's nice to be able to eat outdoors, though there was a little bit of a chill breeze. 

We then continued our walk along the Cramond - Silverknowes foreshore, which was quite crowded but still a nice walk.There were lots of birds on the mudflats, including oystercatchers, bar tailed godwits, redshanks and curlew but we had to wait until we passed the golf course before we got close enough to photograph anything nicely. Here's a pair of rooks from the golf course.

for Nature Notes.


Meanwhile I'm delighted that my poem Petrified has been published on the Nine Muses Poetry site, you can read it here

And very happy that my haiku written in response to the latest prompt in the Haiku Foundation's Haiku Dialogue was featured in the commentary, which you can read here.



  1. Herons are such solitary and magnificence birds! Beautiful photos.

  2. Beautiful place to find some peace in..


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