
Sunday 3 May 2020

Up Close with Trees

Tree Following asks us to focus on just one individual tree but there are so many beautiful trees in the cemeteries on our #DailyExercise route that I can't resist taking photos of them.

Here are some photos of the trunk of one old silvre birch tree

Here are close ups of the fruits of one elm tree

and close ups of a sycamore tree coming into bloom

What trees can you see from your window or in your garden or on your #DailyExercise walk?


  1. Excellent photos. Those of the tree trunk have real dramatic power.

  2. There is something good about seeing trees.
    We have always been fortunate to have trees around us, and I am thankful for that.

    All the best Jan

  3. We have many big leaf maples and a beautiful blooming pink dogwood ...

  4. thanks Bill, the birch trees in the cemetery are amazing, I think it's because they're so old that their trunks are so dramatic.

    Lowcarb, i agree, always good to be surrounded by trees

    Rabbits Guy - sounds good!


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