
Thursday 23 April 2020

Pretty in Pink

We're surrounded by pink flowers at the moment. If we look out of our windows we see the stunning cherry blossom across the road

Meanwhile on the windowsill, the stem on the amarylis is coming into bloom

and the cactus is also starting to bloom

Edited to add: a beautiful apple tree has just come into bloom in one of the cemeteries we visit on our #DailyExercise walk


  1. Juliet, Your first photo reminded me of A. E. Housman. “Loveliest of trees, the cherry now / Is hung with bloom along the bough.” Your picture is perfect!

  2. Wow! So beautiful!

  3. Thanks for posting these; just what I needed on a gray day in lockdown.

  4. Oh, good for you!
    My amaryllis is refusing to cooperate!!!

  5. Later show us how big your amaryllis leaves get. Ours are huge!

    It bloomed in mid January and I will water and feed until early August. Then let leaves die back until about early/mid Oct (?) and then take out bulb and put in dark place until about early Dec. and then replant it for another hopefully Jan bloom!

  6. Hi Gershon, a beautiful poem!

    Birgitta, thanks

    Bill - you're welcome!

    Jenn - sorry you're amarylis is refusing to co-operate! I'm surprised ours is doing so well

    Rabbits Guy - leaves? This amarylis doesn't have leaves at all! How odd.

  7. So lovely to see pink blooms and blossoms.

    All the best Jan

  8. Yes, CGP, lovely to be reminded of Housman, and his poem we recited in junior school by the flowering cherry! I never could work out what 'three score years and ten' meant at the time, but now its meaning is pretty plain...


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