
Tuesday 14 April 2020

Beautiful peacock butterfly

We saw this absolutely beautiful peacock butterfly today in the wee park behind the supermarket,

though we saw hardly any butterflies in the cemeteries despite the sunshine.

The few flowered leeks are in full bloom now

as are the elms

while the sycamores are starting to leaf and flower

and the coltsfoot are already starting to turn

It was lovely to see two Bombylius major bee flies 

and this Syrphus sp hoverfly

The UK Government is, at the moment, allowing us out for one form of #DailyExercise once a day in addition to visiting the shops (as infrequently as possible), travelling to work (for those with essential jobs that can't be done from home) and medical emergencies including helping those who are self isolating.

1 comment:

  1. I have my butterfly eyes on now - today a satyr comma ... I do not think we have peacock butterflies here.


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