
Friday 20 March 2020

Lunchtime Walks in the time of Covid 19

Seeing as we are now both working from home we'll be going on lunchtime walks together as often as possible. Yesterday we walked to and around the nearby Harrison Park. The light was beautiful and ever changing, here is a lovely birch tree as we walked out through the park

and here is the same tree photographed from the opposite side later when we were walking home

The lesser celandines are out, always beautiful to see

and Max the cat is self isolating but posing for passers by

As so many things close down for the indefinite future, the outdoors is still open. Enjoying nature is essential for physical and mental well being and if you don't have a garden that means walking in public greenspaces. If you go with just your family then you can maintain sensible social distancing from everyone else while enjoying the fresh air and sights and sounds of nature.

It's notable that while organisations such as National Trust and RSPB have closed their buildings, cafes and visitor centres their nature reserves are (in most cases) still open. Similarly although the greenhouses and cafe at Saughton Park have been shut, the gardens are still open and the cafe may be opening for takeaway service only.

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    I agree, a walk out in healthy is healthy for all of us. Love the trees and cute kitty. Stay safe and healthy! Enjoy your day and weekend ahead.


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