
Monday 16 March 2020

First Celandines of the Year!

Lovely to see the first lesser celandines of the year in the Craiglockart and Colinton Dells along the Water of Leith.

And also interesting to see the difference in this little pathway over the past few weeks. This first photo shows the pathway on 17 February, when it was full of snowdrops

and below is the same path today, all the snowdrops are over and the daffodils are out!

It felt really springlike out there and lots of birds were singing, lovely to hear the chaffinches, blue tits, blackbirds, robins and others.


  1. Hello,

    Pretty path and lovely flowers! Stay safe and healthy, calm and happy. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

  2. I wonder if you will be able to take a new photo of this path at every season. I love the photos of the Snowdrops and Lesser Celandines. I have only just discovered on a Wildlife Trust site that they are not related to Greater Celandines, which belong to the poppy family!

  3. looks like a beautiful walk!

  4. Thanks Eileen, the same to you!

    Caroline, that's an excellent idea about taking a photo at every season! I'll try to remember to do that! Yes, I was surprised when I first discovered that lesser and greater celandines aren't related!

    Jeff, thanks, yes it is a beautiful walk.

  5. Beautiful photographs …

    All the best Jan


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