
Saturday 7 March 2020

Blackford Pond

Today, Crafty Green Boyfriend and I went to Blackford Pond, hoping to see frogs and frog spawn, which normally would be visible by this time of year. We were very disappointed not to find any spawn, nor did we see any frogs. However there was plenty more to see. The male tufted ducks always look magnificent at this time of year with their smart tufts

but there was quite a wind today. which messed up their style a little

We were delighted to find these scarlet elf cups by the edge of the pond, a very striking fungus

 Just alongside the nearby allotments we saw this earth star, another impressive fungus, though not at its best at this time of the year

and just up the road at the bottom of Morningside Road, the crocuses are beautiful at the moment

It's definitely starting to feel like Spring!

Thanks to Crafty Green Boyfriend for the photos of the tufted ducks and the elf cups. 


  1. I saw some froggies and spawn the other weekend, first time I'd seen any in years!

  2. Such beautiful 'tufties', CGP!


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