
Friday 28 February 2020

Redwings in the Meadows

Yesterday I passed through the Meadows and took some photos of the early crocuses and daffodils that are in bloom there. (You can see my photos in yesterday's blogpost). When I got home I read on Twitter that someone had seen several redwings in the Meadows, obviously I had been looking too closely at the flowers to even notice the birds! So, today at lunchtime, Crafty Green Boyfriend and I went to the Meadows hoping to catch up with the redwings. We certainly weren't disappointed! There were about 100 of these lovely winter thrushes flying around and Crafty Green Boyfriend managed to get some great photos. Here are a few of them.

It was lovely to see a small group of redwings, joined by a goldfinch, bathing in a puddle

Crafty Green Boyfriend also then took some photos of the daffodils


  1. Are the daffodils growing wild there? I like the idea of that!

  2. Ours is the Varied Thrush with beautiful sound in early spring

  3. Hi Sandy - no these are planted daffodils, not wild.

    Hi Rabbit's Guy, I think all thrushes must have lovely songs, ours all certainly do

    Ashok - it is a lovely bird!

  4. I looked at both your daffodil posts and have to say I’m a bit envious. No early spring flowers here in subtropical SW Florida ... the price we pay for no real winter is no real Spring (. (We have lots of flowers around here, colorful flamboyant ones, hibiscis etc.... just not the typical early spring flowers of my memories. Thanks for sharing yours!

  5. Beautiful bird and lovely daffodils.

    All the best Jan


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