
Wednesday 6 November 2019

Upcycled Re-Usable Produce Bags

I bought two lightweight produce bags a while ago. I buy most vegetables entirely loose and just put them into my carrier bag, but always use produce bags for mushrooms and potatoes.

Recently I thought I could use this net-like material (which has been in my stash for ages, I don't know what it was originally, it had seams in strange places and no obvious shape to it!) to make a couple more produce bags so that's the project I've been working on the last couple of times I've gone along to the Friends of Saughton Park Knit and Natter group. The bags are a little oddly shaped, and the fabric is really difficult to sew properly as it's so fine, which means I don't entirely trust the seams to last very long, but hopefully I'll be able to use them for a while!

They seemed to prompt some conversation about reducing packaging waste too, which was interesting.


  1. We use nothing but produce bags of this type. We have been successful in virtually eliminating plastic from our household, other than what you absolutely cannot avoid. We bought new printer cartridges the other day and there was so much packing I think they would survive nuclear explosion!

  2. Hi David, yes we try to eliminate plastic as much as possible and you're right, it's shocking how much packaging is on some items


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