
Saturday 16 November 2019

Late Autumn on Easter Craiglockart Hill

It's been a dull and cold day, but dry and there's been no wind! A combination ideal for walking through the woods and enjoying the autumn colours before the winds blow the last of the leaves from the trees.

We walked up Easter Craiglockart Hill, which has a lovely area of woodland

which is home to plenty of fungi, including this pretty species, which i haven't identified yet

and this turkey tail

The beech trees are looking especially beautiful (and there are plenty of beeches up this hill)

and there are already some very handsome looking skeleton trees

It was nice to see this owl nesting box

We took time to enjoy the views from the top of the hill

The Friends of Easter Craiglockart HIll are looking for people to help them out with the cleverly named Great Craiglockart Rake Off (details also on Facebook here). It sounds like a fun way to help look after this beautiful area of Edinburgh.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    It looks like a nice place for a walk. The fall colors and fungi/mushrooms are wonderful. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!


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