
Friday 13 September 2019

Earth Stars and Yew Trees

There seem to be lots of earth star fungi around at the moment! Here are just a few of those I saw at lunchtime around Corstorphine Hill

The yew trees are looking at their best at the moment too

for Nature Notes.


  1. Hello,

    The earth stars are neat, I have never seen them. Have a happy day and a great weekend!

  2. Anonymous9:39 pm

    Are those first photos some type of fungus in the woods? They resemble something here known as Artillery Fungus....:)jp

  3. Hi Eileen - they're great aren't they, there are lots of species of them over here, don't know if ther are any in the US

    A Quiet Corner, yes they're earth star fungi

    Nora, they are cool aren't they?

  4. Yes, very cool!

    I thought you might be interested in this Juliet...

  5. They remind me of the top of the eggs from the Alien movies


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