
Tuesday 3 September 2019

Caerlaverock WWT Reserve

Our second day out during our visit to Dumfries and Galloway was to the lovely Caerlaverock WWT (Wildfowl and Wtland Trust) reserve, where we were particularly hoping to see plenty of dragonflies, which we did. However there aren't many photos to share, as the WWT is holding a photo competition for photos of wildlife in their reserves, so that's where our best photos will go!

We spent the whole day here enjoying the various elements of the reserve from the wildlife garden

to the leafy lanes that pass between the hides that overlook the meadows that soon will be full of geese visiting Scotland for the winter

and the various wetlands

as well as dragonflies we saw plenty of butterflies including peacocks

there weren't a huge number of birds though as the geese haven't arrived yet.

I liked this mirror propped up against a fence

and these sheep which are employed to keep the grass the right height for the rare natterjack toads that breed in this area. They seemed to be enjoying a well earned rest as we passed them.


  1. Very nice photographs, nice to see the butterflies.

    All the best Jan

  2. I spent some time on the WWT Reserve website and it was most interesting and inspiring!!! The Caerlaverock Reserve is part of a system of 9 wildlife and wetland reserves?

    So often the efforts of grassroots volunteers right in their own places, like those reserves, manage to make the biggest impacts for the good.

  3. It looks lovely!
    What does WWT stand for?!

  4. Hi Jenn, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, I've now edited the post to include that.

    Rabbits Guy - yes there are 9 reserves across the UK, I've visited three of them. WWT is an interesting and valuable organisation

    Thanks for reading Jan, I always like to see the butterflies too


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