
Friday 9 August 2019

Plastics Pledge

Shockingly, only 5-7% of nearly 300 million tonnes of plastic used annually is currently recycled, while almost 8 million tonnes (3%) of it ends up in our oceans causing problems for ocean wildlife.

The Plastics Pledge aims to spread awareness that plastics can be recycled and to demand the increased use of post-consumer recycled plastic by manufacturers. The ultimate goal is to fast-forward the UK Plastics Pact (WRAP) target of 30% recycled content in all plastic packaging by 2025. 

You can sign up to the pledge here.

Part of the awareness raising element of the Plastics Pledge is the Eco-Turtle Project, which was developed with a group of primary school children who created the logo design and chose the project name.

In the run-up to Recycling Week (23-27 September), Plastics Pledge will support an initiative to encourage the UK Government to make it mandatory to label the recycled content on all plastic packaging.

To help bring the Government’s attention to this campaign, Plastics Pledge plans to fly an Eco Turtle blimp (a turtle swimming in a sea of plastic) across Parliament Square at the Climate Change Rally on 20th September, The blimp will be made from recycled Oxford nylon and will be used at several events across the country. If you want to support this initiative you can add your support to the crowdfunder. All money raised will go to creating and launching the blimp in various locations during this campaign. 

The pledge has been launched by Delphis Eco who make their containers from recycled milk bottles and aim to eventually have refill stations for their products. 

1 comment:

  1. it's amazing how much plastic is in our oceans. The Skidaway Oceanography Institute, which is on the island I live, has done a lot of work in this area and it's scary. And sadly, it is hard to recycle some plastics--we should demand plastics that's easy to recycle and force the recycling of it!


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