
Friday 16 August 2019

Celebrate Saughton Park!

 Saughton Park has been transformed through donations from the Big Lottery and looks stunning now.

To celebrate this transformation, the Friends nf Saughton Park and the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society (the Caley) which is now based at the park are joining together to hold a free family event in the park on Saturday 31 August.

There will be loads going on including free music from local bands, a variety of walks round the park (I'll be leading some wildlife walks to look at the birds and insects in the park) and stalls from various groups, including the Woodland Trust. There will be cake, including some cakes made using ingredients from the park's Physic Garden and a raffle, which will feature prizes including some handmade jewellery that I'm donating. If you bring along your own cup, you'll get a discount on hot drinks.

Hopefully the weather will be good enough for people to really enjoy this event!

Delighted to have a piece of flash fiction in the latest Ad Hoc stories e-book. The stories are meant to be anonymous so I can't say which is mine. But read them all, there are some good ones there.

As ever, red text takes you to other webpages where you can find out more. 

1 comment:

  1. The park looks great, I hope the weather will be good when the event takes place on 31 August.

    All the best Jan


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