
Friday 12 July 2019

Lunchtime up Corstorphine HIll

I joined Crafty Green Boyfriend at lunchtime today for a walk round Corstorphine HIll (which is so near his place of work that he walks round the hill most days!).

Many of the umbellifers are covered in red soldier beetles

And the common spotted orchids are looking lovely in the marshy area

Yesterday, on a guided walk I was leading along the Water of Leith in Stockbridge, we came across this ladybird, which is an unusual colour variant of the 2 spot ladybird (more commonly seen in its red form with two black spots)


  1. A nice place for a lunch-time (or anytime) walk.

    All the best Jan

  2. A wonderful place to take a walk at lunch... I miss walks at lunch, but here it’s just too hot. Even when I walk to the village for lunch, I’m sweating by the time I get there (and it’s less than 1/2 mile)


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