
Saturday 22 June 2019

The Amber Light - a film about whisky

The Amber Light is a cinematic journey through Scottish whisky culture, visiting distilleries and pubs across the country. Spirits writer Dave Broom investigates the history and mythology of his national drink and its links to music and literature.

The history of whisky reveals it to have been first distilled as a medicinal product by doctors on the island of Islay, still a very important centre for whisky production. Over time the medicinal aspect of the drink has lessened (though I know lots of people who alleviate the suffering of a cold with a hot toddy of whisky, lemon, honey and hot water and I've found whisky to be the best possible cure for toothache).

During the film Broom interviews Scottish writers Ian Rankin and Alasdair Gray about their feelings on the place of whisky in the Scottish literary scene. Enough to make me feel I can never become a proper writer if I don't develop a proper appreciation for the drink.

Whiskies have their own individual flavour, influenced by elements including the water and soil of the area where they are distilled, ranging from the Highlands and Islands to the mellow lowland whisky of Daftmill Distillery in Fife.

My favourite scene in the film was where Broom joined foragers using a small still to distill whisky from foraged wild plants including angelica and hogweed, thus recreating an ancient type of whisky.

The Amber Light is nominated for the 2019 Award for Best Documentary Feature Film.

The Amber Light received it's world premier as part of Edinburgh International Film Festival 2019 at 1810, Saturday 22 June and will screen again at 2020 Sunday 23 June, both at Odeon Lothian Road. It will also screen at 1815 on Sunday 23 June (again at Odeon) as part of the Best of the Fest strand.

This would make an ideal triple bill with:

Chef Diaries (which has screened twice at the film festival, you can read my review here) and Virgin and Extra: Land of the Olive Oil which is screening at 1310 Sunday 23 June, at Odeon Lothian Road. You can book tickets here and read my review here.

You can read my earlier reviews from Edinburgh International Film Festival 2019, by following the links below:

Boyz in the Wood a group of teenage boys get lost in the Scottish Highlands.

2040 - can technology offer solutions to our current climate and ecological crises?

  Bait - Cornish fishermen try to adapt to a changing world

How to Fake  a War (on my Shapeshifting Green blog) what happens when a rock star decides to meddle in international affairs?

Farm Animals on Film - featuring The Biggest Little Farm - an inspiring story of the creation of a sustainable biodiverse farm in California, plus Vulture, an experimental film about farm animals.

Virgin and Extra: Land of the Olive Oil

Disclaimer: I have a press pass for the film festival and attended a free press screening of these films.

Disclaimer: I have a press pass for the film festival and attended a free press screening of these films.


  1. You've been a busy woman!!! Do you drink whiskey??!!

  2. Hi Jenn, the only whisk(e)y I drink is Southern Comfort which is really a whiskey liquer I think? Even for a hot toddy I'll use Southern Comfort.

  3. Whisky is such a popular drink, and there are so many types.

    All the best Jan


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