
Monday 6 May 2019

Bank Holiday in the Dells

Today being a bank holiday, Crafty Green Boyfriend joined me for my weekly patrol of the Dells alongside the Water of Leith. The weather was mostly dull with a fair bit of rain, but there were still some lovely signs of Spring around.

The hornbeam trees are starting to develop their beautiful chandelier type fruits

These will develop to be their most beautiful in October, as you can see in this post from a few years ago.

Meanwhile the wych elms are covered in more flowers than it seems possible to fit in the available space

 and the horse chestnuts are beautifully in bloom

and the harts tongue ferns are unfurling their shiny new fronds

We were both intrigued to see this patch of wild garlic where some of the leaves are striped

I'm not sure if that is a common occurence, it's certainly not something either of us have ever seen before.

These lovely fungi, growing in one of the recently planted wild flower meadows are, I think, fairy parasol fungi (please correct me if you know otherwise!)

The Charter for Trees, Woods and People sets out:

* the role trees and woods play in our lives,

* the rights we all have to the benefits trees and woodland provide, and

* our responsibilities towards maintaining and supporting them.

Each of the charter's principles articulate the relationship between people and trees in the UK in the 21st Century. The Tree Charter Principle for May is Recover Health, Hope and Wellbeing with the Help of Trees and what better way to do that than to go for a walk in the woods! You can find out more about the Tree Charter and sign up to it here.


  1. Conker candles are ablaze here! Those hornbeams look fantastic

  2. We are having a dry spring and we fear our summer vegetation will not be very splendid.

    Looks good now though - like yours there!!!

  3. What beautiful trees, and I'm glad to be reminded of Hornbeam fruits. We also had 'dodgy' Bank Holiday weather - I'll be glad when it warms up!


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