
Thursday 28 March 2019

First Butterfly of the year!

It's lovely to get a day off together midweek and today Crafty Green Boyfriend and I took a walk along the Union Canal.

We saw our first butterfly of the year (well strictly speaking third, the second having flown past us at great speed a fewminutes earlier and the first having fluttered by in the centre of town a few days ago!). Our first photographable butterfly then, this lovely peacock

We also saw our first photographable hoverfly of the year, I'm waiting to hear back from UK Hoverfly Facebook group to identify this species. Edited to add: confirmed as a
a female Melangyna lasiophthalma.

and this interesting looking bee, which we think is an early mining bee (waiting for confirmation on that id from Edinburgh Natural History Society).

It was a lovely sunny day and we enjoyed the masses of coltsfoot growing along the canal bank

and the masses of ivy fruit


  1. First ones here now too!

  2. Hello,
    I love the butterfly and images. I saw my first butterfly yesterday.

  3. Well, I am jealous! It will probably be another month before I see one.

  4. Warm "springish" and butterfly"photos and thoughts!
    __ Here, we're waiting for the "Hummin' birds," and some of nature's blossoms, their nutritent sources. _m

  5. We have quite a few, it is were we about southern. Beautiful photos.

  6. So lovely to see butterflies.
    I liked all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  7. Very fine images of the butterfly and of the bee, so beautiful the masses of ivy fruit.


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