
Tuesday 26 February 2019

Enjoying the Unseasonal sunshine

It's beautiful out there today, wonderful warm sunshine, which I'm enjoying greatly even as it makes me very concerned about Climate Change. The weather reporters are reporting all the high temperature records that are being broken as though it's some sort of game instead of a sign of climate breakdown.

Still it is lovely out, the light on the Firth of Forth is beautiful

and I was delighted to see over 100 curlew (a fast declining species of wader that does however winter in good numbers in the fields around Edinburgh) I'm not sure this one was in the best of health, it seemed much too tame

Most of the curlew were in the fields with the sheep, though you probably can't see the birds (there are around 70 of them in these fields)

Some of the sheep ran away when I took out my camera but others were happy to pose

and the alder trees are at their best at the moment

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