
Sunday 6 January 2019

Maison de Moggy

It's always lovely to visit Maison de Moggy, Edinburgh's Cat Cafe and here are some photos from our New Year visit.

Phillippe spent most of the time asleep in this hanging basket but woke up for long enough to have his photo taken.

Guillaume let me pet him, though he looks a little disgruntled about it.

Sebastian, Marcel, Alain and Pauline gather for snack time. There's chicken hidden in the snack tray there.

Sebastian and Elodie compete to get the most chicken - Elodie has tiny paws and a great technique so generally gets more chicken than anyone else.

We had to eat our cakes quickly and let the staff remove the plates otherwise Elodie would have eaten the cake too. 

Pauline spent a lot of time hanging about on one of the cat walkways in the air

Sebastian let me pose with him for this photo. And finally here are more photos of Sebastian


  1. This is really fun! I've heard of them, but never visited one!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  2. A Cat Cafe! What a lovely idea. Thanks for posting this.

  3. I love cats! You've placed these so well, all great photos to caption, Juliet!
    __ My favorite by a small (aMEWnt) amount, Phillippe; instantly, this fell out of my silly mind... a thought of... Phillippe's "owl face"_!

    I'm an owl
    as my tree branch wavers
    thought swing


  4. Such a fun and different idea, thanks for all of the photographs.

    All the best Jan


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