
Wednesday 14 November 2018

Greetings Cards and Taking a Short Break

I spent a lot of time during my Poet Laureateship of the Forest Cafe Free Shop drawing dinosaurs for collages! I drew and cut out more dinosaurs than I needed for what I was making there so I brought them home and made some greetings cards

You can read about my time as Poet Laureate of the Free Shop here.

I'm now taking a blog and social media break for about two and a half weeks (this post on my Shapeshifting Green blog explains why) though my Etsy shops will remain open.

Meanwhile a cataract inspired haibun I wrote is now up on The Other Bunny, you can read it here

I'll be back soon.


  1. As a gal who has gone through several sorts of vision difficulties and eye operations, wanted to wish you well from the SW US, the center of New Mexico actually! I so enjoy your poetry and your nature oriented excursions, observations and comments.

  2. enjoy your break (I should take a social media break--or should have done it the month before the elections)

  3. Wishing a good recovery - I'm headed there soon too, but all my friends who have had that procedure do very well so I am confident.

    I will be anxious to hear your review of it and your new view on things!!!

  4. Well I've just been over to your other blog - I wish you well with your cataract surgery.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  5. Have a good break.

  6. nice cards...
    greeting- evi erlinda


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