
Saturday 27 October 2018

Autumnal Sunshine at Cammo

It's very cold today but otherwise beautiful weather, blue skies and sunshine, and no wind. We had a lovely walk through the fields at Cammo (some of which are sadly soon to disappear under houses)

There were plenty of birds in the fields and hedges including yellowhammer and tree sparrow and these stock doves

We then walked round Cammo Country Park which was remarkably free of mud, it's usually the muddiest place in Edinburgh but this year has been worryingly free of rain. The autumn colours are wonderful

 Plenty of birds here too including good numbers of redwings and fieldfares, I was slightly worried beforehand that we would be too early to see many of these two species of winter visiting thrushes, but I was delighted to be proven wrong. It was difficult to get photos as they were all flying around so much but here's one of the redwings

Lovely also to see this goldcrest 

 Lots of lovely Shadows for Shadow Shot Sunday

(see more shadows on my Shapeshifting Green Blog here).


  1. Love how the shadows spill. That last shot is intriguing.

  2. Weather today has been just dire, barely left the house

  3. The amount of land being gobbled up for one reason or another is really discouraging. You wonder how much more we can keep doing this.

  4. The shadowy pathway seems so inviting!

  5. Fabulous Autumn colours.
    I just love this time of year.

    All the best Jan

  6. kind of like here now - new birds showing up for the winter.

  7. Hello, lovely walk and beautiful Autumn scenes. Have a happy day and a great new week!

  8. Nice shadow shot Juliet

    much love...


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