
Friday 10 August 2018

Granton Parish Church Grounds

I thought it would be interesting to have a look at the wildlife in the grounds of Granton Parish Church where I work as Climate Change Officer for Granton Goes Greener.

Granton Parish Church has a lovely churchyard with a number of shrubs and trees that are great for wildlife.


Blackbirds have nested in the grounds and the flowering shrubs attract white butterflies and at least three species of bumble bees.

Plus a pied hoverfly visited recently! I tried to get its photo but it wouldn’t stay still so this is a photo of a pied hoverfly I saw in Spylaw Park recently. There are around 250 species of hoverflies in the UK, they’re fascinating insects that are harmless but mimic stinging insects such as wasps and bees.

Faith Action for Nature is a great project, encouraging churches in Scotland to look after wildlife and manage their grounds for nature. They have resources on their website – you can see the Summer resource pack here!

If you're interested in learning more about the work of Granton Goes Greener, you can:

Visit our website and read our blog (where an earlier version of this post appeared)

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  1. It's lovely seeing the green! We're so dry in SE Ontario!!!

  2. It is a lovely spot. I sometimes think churches grow the wrong stuff to attract pollinators

  3. Thanks for sharing your photographs, so nice to see

    All the best Jan


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