
Thursday 23 August 2018

Almondell Country Park and Calder Wood

We've just spent a lovely couple of days in Perth and I'll blog about that in the next couple of days! In the meantime though I thought I'd share some photos of today's trip to Almondell Country Park in West Lothian.

Usually when we visit the park we walk round the Calder Wood but today we walked along the river

to the visitor centre

which has a lovely garden with a busy bird feeder (here a coal tit and young blue tit are feeding quite happily together - you can tell the blue tit is young because it has a yellow rather than white face)
and some interesting fungi in the lawns

and a sign asking people to shut the gate to keep out the hungry bunnies!

The weather was quite wet so insects were more difficult to see than they would have been on a sunny day but this seven spot ladybird didn't seem to mind the rain

There were lots of birds everywhere, including long tailed tits, treecreepers and nuthatches and many of them were youngsters but other than those at the feeder above none of them were happy to be photographed!


  1. I love day out, I aim to stay very active in the cold weather

  2. Great photos. I, to, have been out and about. In my case, cycling along the River Lea. :-)

    Greetings from London.


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