
Tuesday 24 April 2018

Hot and Sunny Weekend

The weekend was largely hot and sunny, which was in complete contrast to the largely cold spring we've had so far. I visited my Dad in suburban Manchester. It was lovely to visit and we spent lots of time in the garden

The grape hyacinths are looking lovely

as is this rhododendron bush (or is it an azalea, I'm sometimes confused)

We had a lovely trip to the local Blackleach Country Park

The orange tip butterflies didn't stop for photos but they enjoyed the cowslips as much as we did

We also found marsh marigolds at the edge of the reserve

By the time I got the train back to Edinburgh though, the clouds had returned and the temperature had dropped. The train journey is beautiful though, passing through the Lake District and Lanarkshire, where most of the fields are full of sheep with their baby lambs.


  1. __ The family flowers; buds bloom, then pass to bloom again... warmer days. _m

    all love
    is worth the visit
    of balance
    the family flowers
    to warmer days

  2. Lovely flowers! Orange tips never stop for anyone, darn hard to photograph.

  3. I can well imagine that your train journey was beautiful, as you passed through the Lake District and Lanarkshire, and saw fields full of sheep with their baby lambs.

    Lovely to see all of your photographs, I'm pleased you enjoyed a nice few days with your Dad.

    All the best Jan


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